Keep Calm and Say Arrr! It's International Talk Like a Pirate Day

More Keep Calm and Say Arrr Apparel Options

Distressed Pirate Keep Calm And Say Arrr Skull Halloween Tank Top – You love pirates, or you're a pirate, who loves the sea, pirate ship and hunting for treasure? Or you're looking for a funny pirate halloween costume... View on Amazon
Pirate Keep Calm And Say Arrr Skull Halloween Pirate Costume Long Sleeve T-Shirt – You love pirates, or you're a pirate, who loves the sea, pirate ship and hunting for treasure? Or you're looking for a funny pirate halloween costume... View on Amazon
Womens Pirate Keep Calm And Say Arrr Skull Halloween Pirate Costume V-Neck T-Shirt – You love pirates, or you're a pirate, who loves the sea, pirate ship and hunting for treasure? Or you're looking for a funny pirate halloween costume... View on Amazon
Distressed Pirate Keep Calm And Say Arrr Skull Halloween Pullover Hoodie – You love pirates, or you're a pirate, who loves the sea, pirate ship and hunting for treasure? Or you're looking for a funny pirate halloween costume... View on Amazon

Keep Calm and Get Ready for Thanksgiving 2021

This year we're sharing four fun spoof designs made for celebrating Thanksgiving. Give thanks and remember to keep calm through the busy holiday season!

Keep Calm & Get Ready for Pi Day! Perfect Shirt for 3.14 Pi Day

Celebrate Pi Day next month by having a piece of pie! Pie Day is so named because March 14, 3/14, represents the first three digits of pi.  This funny shirt is great for math geeks -- and great to save for Pi Day next year. The spoof slogan...

Keep Calm and Thank a Veteran on Veteran's Day!

Veterans Day is recognized in the United States each year on November 11. The day is for honoring military veterans and originated on November 11, 1918, which marked the end of  World War I. Several other countries around the world commemorate the day as Armistice Day or Remembrance...

Keep Calm It's Almost Spring Break T-Shirt

Get ready for Spring Break with this fun novelty shirt that takes the familiar propaganda phrase and adds some fun springtime feeling! Keep Calm It's Almost Spring Break is done in crisp white text that has been distressed for a vintage look. The slogan is accompanied by...